miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

New Website Update

Hello Everyone!

Have you noticed anything different at www.solardecathlon.es? Well, to begin with, we are giving you the first heads up. Every time you visit the website, you will be welcomed with a video of our recent activities. You will also be able to check out the new sections we've added, which are being updated daily with new information and pictures.

Once the competition begins, you will be able to follow the schedule of our activities in the calendar section, which will also be updated daily along with this blog. Things are happening fast, so stay tuned and and follow us as we approach the big day!



1 comentario:

  1. Algún día aprenderé correctamente el inglés como escribir en ese idioma. Por el momento valgan mis felicitaciones por el proyecto y lo que ello supone como futuro para este mundo falto de sentido ecologista.
