viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

In a place called La Mancha…

View of la macha

This photo portrays the exquisitely beautiful flat and arid landscape of the Spanish region in the center of our country. This is where “The B&W House” is being built, in a town called Herencia, about 130 km from Madrid. The construction company, Tecnove (see photo below), has been helping us immensely in putting the house together. Next week, the house will be finished, and all the technical and architectonical devices will be in their places. During this past month, the architects and engineers have been very busy, and we've been trying just as hard to follow the building process. There is no doubt that every visit we have made to Tecnove has educational, and we have learned practical tips and tricks along the way. In sum, it has been an enriching experience!

Tecnove facilities where the B&W House is beeing build
Water tanks
One of the decathletes inside the structure of the house

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